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Seneca High School

High School


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The Special Education Department Mission is to provide support, instruction, and guidance that empowers students to achieve their goals so that they can be as independent as possible in their adult lives.

It is the goal of the special education department for students to participate to the maximum extent possible in the general education environment.  To that end, students in special education may receive:

  • Accommodations and modifications to the general educational environment listed in the IEP to address disabilities and deficits
  • Individualized and evidence-based instruction in small-group settings that seeks to build the student’s skills
  • A supported Resource course in which students can receive organizational help and assistance on assignments
  • Coordination with outside agencies that can provide services to help students be more successful
  • Case management from a Special Education teacher who can coordinate with families, provide oversight for the student, report on a student’s performance and goal progress, and support a student’s transition to adult life

For more information regarding eligibility for special education services, please click here.


The Special Education Department Curriculum:

Courses # of semesters Credit
English 2 1
Math 2 1
Health 1 .5
World History 2 1
U.S. History/Govt. 2/1 1/.5
Art 2 1
Step I/II 2 1
Resource 2 1
Daily Living 2 1
Physical Science 2 1
Life Science 2 1

The Special Education Department Instructors:

Mr. Levi Derber
Email: lderber@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5304

Ms. Allie Keinath
Email: akeinath@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5098

Mrs. Jackie Ugolini
Email: jugolini@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5305

Mr. Blake Slutz
Email: bslutz@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5096

The Special Education Department Aides:

Mrs. Janet Thompson
Email: jthompson@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000

Mrs. Miranda Brockman
Email: mbrockman@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000

Chelsea O'Neal
Email: coneal@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000

Bryna Coop
Email: bcoop@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000

Mrs. Josie Lauth
Email: jlauth@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000

Mrs. Brenda Westmoreland
Email: bwestmoreland@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000

Marsha Henne
Email: mhenne@senecahs.org
Phone: 815-357-5000


New requirements for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Service (PUNS) were effective January 1, 2024. PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals with developmental disabilities who are planning for or seeking services through the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities. At each annual review for a student with a disability, the IEP (Individualized Education Program) team must determine if the student is registered for PUNS and, if not, refer the family to a designated employee who has completed the PUNS training. For information on PUNS, please contact Jill Rockrohr, School Psychologist/Director of Special Services, at 815-357-5085 or jrockrohr@senecahs.org.




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Calendar Week of March 23 - March 29, 2025
