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Seneca High School



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ACES of Eastern Illinois Competition

Mr. Andrew Jackson & Mrs. Jenna Maierhofer

The ACES academic challenge event is a high school competition that was created by University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and currently continued by Eastern Illinois University.  It consists of a varsity team of 14 students, an unlimited team of JV students, and some At-Large competitors from schools across Illinois.  Students compete against one another, and as a team in seven categories including Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Engineering Graphics, and English.  Contests are held annually on three different levels, regional, sectional, and state.  A team or an individual may qualify for the next level by placing 3rd or better on a timed test in their category.  Since there are only a few spots for students on the team, it is by invite only.  Coaches seek recommendations from the teachers of Seneca High School in determining their squad.  If you have any questions please contact Mr. Andrew Jackson at ajackson@senecahs.org, or Mrs. Jenna Maierhofer at  jennamaierhofer@senecahs.org.