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Seneca High School



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Bass Fishing

Mr. Jackson and Mr. Vroman

The Seneca High School Bassmasters fishing team is collective group of individuals that enjoy the sport of bass fishing.  As part of the team, students are required to maintain an attitude of conservation within the environment.  We have a specific focus on catch and release in a sustainable manner and promoting good sportsmanship.  Students of any skill level can join the team, and we compete during two seasons, fall and spring.  As this is an activity and not a sport, any and all people are welcome to join even if they are participating in another sport at the time.   Teams of 2 or 3 students attend various high school bass fishing tournaments throughout the year at many different locations within Illinois. Please contact either of our coaches if you are interested or have any questions. 

Mr. Andrew Jackson ajackson@senecahs.org or Mr. Eric Vroman evroman@senecahs.org





View Month

Calendar Week of March 23 - March 29, 2025
