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Seneca High School



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FOIA OFFICER:  Dan Stecken

Seneca High School District 160

307 Scott St.

Seneca, IL   61360




Full access to the District’s public records is available to any person as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  The District’s public records are defined as any material pertaining to the transaction of public business having been prepared by or for, or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control of the School District.

A request for inspection and/or copies of public records must be made in writing and may be submitted by personal delivery, mail, telefax, or email directed to the District’s Freedom of Information Officer. 

The Freedom of Information Officer shall approve all requests for public records unless:

  1. The requested material does not exist;
  2. The requested material is exempt from inspection and copying by the Freedom of Information Act; or
  3. Complying with the request would be unduly burdensome.

Within 5 business days after receipt of a request for access to a public record, the Freedom of Information Officer shall comply with or deny the request, unless the time for response is extended as specified in Section 3 of FOIA. 

Persons making a request for copies must pay any applicable copying fee.  No copying fee shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies.  A charge of 15 cents per page will be charged for requests larger than 50 pages.

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View Month

Calendar Week of March 23 - March 29, 2025
