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Seneca High School

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2024-25 Senior Laptop Buyout

 Senior Buyout price has been set at $25.

The laptop buyout program is for Graduating Seniors only. If you are a graduating senior and would like to purchase a laptop at the end of your senior year, you will need to do 2 things - Both must be completed or you will not be on our list of buyouts:

  1. Fill out the Buyout Request Form Click here for the form  Due May 13th
  2. Early Grads can purchase up until the May 11th due date but keep in mind that anytime after Christmas Break you may not get your original laptop. Early grad buyouts can be picked up as early as January 22nd!
  3. Pay the Buyout Fee Click Here (Due by the time of pickup)
  4. Last Day to Pick up Laptops: >>>> June 28 <<<<   (Laptops not picked up by this date will be forfeited!!!)

Please note: Both the form and payment must be completed prior to picking up the laptop. 

Things to Note:

  • These are older and support general computer needs for many college-bound seniors.
  • It is the student's responsibility to make sure payment and buyout request forms are completed on time
  • By selling the laptop to graduating seniors, we are helping our students prepare for college with a device with which they are already familiar.
  • A receipt will be required at the time of laptop pickup
  • All other school fees must be paid before this laptop can be picked up.
  • After you pick it up we are no longer responsible for its repair.
  • Laptops not picked up by June 28th will be returned to the student pool and will no longer be available for purchase. 

Software Information:

  • Each laptop will be completely erased and returned to factory settings.
  • Only software that originally came with the laptop can be put back on. (We legally cannot allow Seneca High School licensed software to stay on the computer)
  • If you intend to purchase a laptop, you may consider purchasing the student version of Microsoft Office while you still have a student ID or plan on using the Google Suite for word processing and such. 
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Calendar Week of March 23 - March 29, 2025
