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Seneca High School



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Bully and Tip Reporting

We have created this online form so that people will have a safe way to report any bullying or safety concerns.

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that involves a person or a group REPEATEDLY and INTENTIONALLY causing harm, discomfort, or distress to another person who typically has less power or influence in a particular context. This harmful behavior can manifest in various forms, including physical, verbal, relational (such as social exclusion or spreading rumors), and cyberbullying (using electronic communication to harass or intimidate). The key elements of bullying include imbalance of power, repetition, and intentionality.

This line is to be used for bullying and/or school safety concerns. Note that peer conflict does not meet the definition of bullying.

If this is an emergency, please dial 911! This site is NOT monitored 24/7!

If this is a non-emergency, but you would still prefer to contact your local police department, their telephone numbers are listed below:

  • Seneca PD Non-Emergency - 815-357-8726
  • Mazon PD Non-Emergency - 815-942-0336

When a person really needs help we hope that you will step up and send in a report. However, please remember that sending in a false report makes it harder for your school administrators to help the people who really do need it.

After you fill out the form below, please click the Submit button at the bottom to send an email alert to our Bully & Tip administrators with all of the details from your report. The report will be anonymous unless you fill in the optional information at the bottom.

What are you reporting?

Describe the Incident:

Who was involved?

What happened?

What is rumored to be/was the location of the incident?

If you know the date this incident took place, please enter it:

Please indicate your relationship to SHS:

Did this incident already happen?

Optional information. If you would like us to contact you, please fill in this optional contact information. Without this information, your report will be anonymous.

Your Name:

Your Phone:

Your email: 


View Month

Calendar Week of March 23 - March 29, 2025
