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Seneca High School

High School


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Yegge, Mr. Todd

Spanish Department

Mr. Todd Yegge has been a Spanish teacher and coach at Seneca Township High School since the 1994-95 school year.  He has been the head wrestling coach since the 1997-98 season and also was the assistant coach for his first three years in Seneca. This will be his 9th season as an assistant golf coach.  Mr. Yegge also coached 18 seasons of Track.  He has been an advisor for the Spanish Club and a member of the School Improvement team.

Mr. Yegge graduated in the class of 1988 from Bettendorf High School, Iowa which is located in the Quad Cities.  He graduated from Augustana College with a B.A. in Secondary Education and a B.A. in Spanish.  His first two years of college he spent at the University of Iowa.  He wrestled for the University of Iowa and then also for Augustana College, lettering at both schools.  He has his M.A. from National Louis University in Curriculum and Instruction and a second M.A. in Administration from Governors State University.

He is interested in sports and follows the Hawkeyes, Minnesota Vikings, Chicago White Sox and supports all of the Fighting Irish athletics and activities. He likes to get out and golf when he gets a chance.  He enjoys spending time with his family, his wife Darcy as well as his two children, Laura and Brett.  Darcy and Todd are originally from Iowa, but now reside in Seneca.

2019-2020 School Year Schedule
A Day B Day
1A Spanish I 1B Spanish I
2A Prep 2B Spanish Il
3A Spanish lI 3B Spanish I
4A Spanish I 4B Prep
View Month

Calendar Week of February 16 - February 22, 2025
